manifest is a male, maine, mafia word. when you have apprenticeships, apartments, applications, appointments you have apartheid. message from doctor douglas lee thompson. its self evident.

Apartheid – Wikipedia

Apartheid (South African English: /əˈpɑːrteɪd/; Afrikaans: [aˈpartɦəit], lit. “separateness”) was a system of institutionalised racial segregation and discrimination that existed in South Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s.

“you dont have to become something when you are something” message from doctor douglas lee thompson. 14 june 2018

a person who works for another in order to learn a trade: an apprentice to a plumber.
History/Historical. a person legally bound through indenture to a master craftsman in order to learn a trade.
a learner; novice; tyro.
U.S. Navy. an enlisted person receiving specialized training.
a jockey with less than one year’s experience who has won fewer than 40 races.
ducks quack, doctors are quacks, this is duke-dom doctor douglas lee thompson, male. 14 june 2018.
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Federal agency
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is a federal Cabinet-level agency that provides near-comprehensive healthcare services to eligible military veterans at VA medical centers and outpatient … Wikipedia
Customer service: 1 (800) 827-1000
Emergency: 1 (877) 927-8387
Founded: July 21, 1930
self-ev·i·dent doj
ˌself ˈevədənt/
adjective: self-evident
  1. not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.
    “self-evident truths”
    synonyms: obvious, clear, plain, evident, apparent, manifest, patent, axiomatic;

    distinct, transparent, overt, conspicuous, palpable, unmistakable, undeniable

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